To educate and empower people and community to live more responsibly, just and sustainable as our finite living world requires. And by opening minds to the needs of our living world through education, example, demonstration, responsible commentary, and theater.



In addition to our work we do in pursuit of our mission we will also take on organization work (projects) were there's significant waste and opportunity to create new green jobs, products and business opportunities, and reducing local greenhouse emissions (footprint), while helping to make local economies more circular and just.


We are guided by precautionary principals and respect all life.


Learn more about the importance of reducing waste:

Marín-Beltrán, I., Demaria, F., Ofelio, C., Serra, L. M., Turiel, A., Ripple, W. J., Mukul, S. A., & Costa, M. C. (2022). Scientists' warning against the society of waste. Science of The Total Environment, 811, 151359.




We believe our health and the health of our planet is at stake due to our collective actions since the beginning of the industrialized era some 150 years ago.


We believe the health of people and planet should be paramount, yet far too many continue to pollute our air, waters and land.


We believe the health of people and planet should never be compromised for profit of a few or benefit at the expense of others.

We believe sustainable communities can become the bedrocks of a sustainable planet.


We believe cheap products and cheap labor are unhealthy for both people and planet and should be avoided by consumers and businesses alike.


We can no longer afford to waste our children's future.