Sustainability is about using what we have where we live before looking elsewhere, and it's about getting the most from local resources rather than calling it waste when it's not.
Recovering and renewing ignored resources that have the potential for creating new locally made products, new green and jobs, while reducing warming, is something we can and should be doing today. Every BTU of energy saved, and every ounce of sequestered carbon put to work in long lasting products has the collective potential to make a measurable and positive contributions in our communities; environmentally, economically, and socially.
Today Marin is missing out on many new green recovery and reuse products and jobs. MCBC is leading this cause, as it has the experience and know-how to reduce solid urban waste and create new green jobs while laying a sound recovery and reuse foundation which is essential to a circular community and economy. Our capacity to make all this possible is our unique approach to leveraging the TRUE VALUE of reuse materials and products, and our ability to empower people to become more resourceful and creative in their lives, especially around local resources, reused especially.
MCBC was certified by Zero Waste Marin 2016 to do begin this important recovery and reuse work. Unfortunately, around the same time, MCBC was forced to close its demonstration facility on B Street in San Rafael, for a number of reasons —especially lack of funding.
I encourage all who understand the benefits of this community work to join with me in this community effort.
Help Stop the WASTE!
Become a volunteer
Become a board member
Make a donation, none too small!
Thank you!
Bill Callahan
OHIAS —founder